Monday, January 23, 2012

Who shot the president will be the question asked after the fact?

What on Earth Would Prompt a Newspaper Editor to Call for Obama's Assassination?


SO AM I  is bringing more news to the  "World Changers" & family out there. Correct me if I am wrong, but when a rapper came out with a song called "Who shot Ruddy" the FBI and the law enforcement in the state of New York  from state to the local level began an investigation of all  rappers (see the documentary-"Hip HOP Cop" based on this statement ordered by the Governor at that time...  Out of this comes a so called task force and "they" began to train other law enforcement agencies in other states like LA, Miami, etc. Along with this came a so-called Mug shot book that had all these rappers who were being investigated; some had warrants, a record, etc., but some didn't.  My point is this if you can blatantly even make a statement using the terms or even insinuate  "assination" or an attempt to; towards, in the direction of or about the President of the United States and it be okay...we are in trouble as a country!!!!!!! As soon as this hit the airways, newspapers and media this place and or people should have been shut down! An investigation from top to bottom like they did the AIG scam should have been EXPOSED! Those "black-opt" helicopters ( trash cans) surveillance etc should have been dispatched immediately! C'mon you know the ones that fly in and around  the drug communities...the ones who listen in on your phone calls when words  like "Islam"  or "bomb" are mentioned in the same sentence!!!! When you use words or names like Charles Mansion or revolution...terrorist threats!!!!! You then wake up the next day or next week with your vision blurred by these black lines that you soon realize are "bars"  and you have now been imprisoned without "due process" ...SO, what am "I" saying while "you" were out doing surveillance on ex-offenders making sure that they can't vote, building a fence to keep illegal immigrants out of the country, getting rid of unions, having extra-marital affairs, harassing those "boycotting WALL-Street", stealing money from the "AMERICAN PEOPLE"...the PRESIDENT GOT SHOT!

Scripture says: Ephesians 5:14
for the light is making everything visible. That is why it says, "Wake up, O sleeper! Arise from the dead, and the Messiah will shine on you.''

We must wake up and stay AWAKE!!!!! You can't "change" a thing if you are "asleep" people...

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