Why I am "Free to be me"...

SO AM I dedicates this page to the "uniqueness" of being free and in "free"-dom there is liberty. Loving yourself first...that "You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Accepting your beauty not by outer standards but, by the content of your "heart".

Can you be trusted with "YOU" to love you?
Can you be a F.irst L.ove Y.ourself man or woman...?
 If you can, then post your Free to be me...Love about yourself so you can "set" someone else free! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I am F.L.Y. I NOW love everything about me. Growing up there were things I didn't like about myself. From the dark complexion of my skin to the fullness of my lips. Once I established a relationship with God and began to believe and live according to the word...I began to love myself. I learned I am unique. I am beautiful. I realized there are people who sun bathe or go to tanning salons to have a darker complexion. Today people get botox injections to have full lips. So I have EMBRACED my insecurities and I thank God daily that everything about me he created is REAL!!! Now I Dont care what others think. I only care what God thinks. I am F.L.Y and Free to be ME!!!