SO AM I has heard from men & women from all walks of life...from those with Phds to Geds, Soccer moms & dads to single moms & dads, Entrepreneurs
to the unemployed, some who lost weight and others who lost someone,
but whatever their dilemma; we found this to be very true; and that is
they all had a life story to tell, a "testimony" of how they sacrificed,
suffered, and most of all "Pushed" through their circumstances. Each
time I was privileged to read or hear these stories I found each more
heart warming and compelling than the last, and if I was being affected
this way and was able to glean and grow from their "pain" so to speak;
then how many other men & women needed to not only hear about it; but actually
be connected with them in some type of form or fashion. Having an
opportunity to be edified and encouraged by those who have overcome the
"fight" "you" happen to be in right NOW! Realizing what they all have
in common is their "FAITH" to hold on to "HOPE" and continue what they
started in this life no matter what obstacles they faced. Literally, to
become a better person and to tell their "MIS-SION" in this life.
men & women stated not only did they over come obstacles in life, but having
an "outlet" to express and remind them how they really conquered their "trials" was inspiring and re-enforced their
strengths; it also did impact them in moving forward and conquering the next
endeavor in their lives...and from there
SO AM I (S.isters O.n A. M.ission I.ndefinitely) was inspired... by you.
join the blog and post your testimony of how you have pushed through your circumstances
all the while holding on to your "FAITH" and "HOPE" therefore, letting
go of your "Fear"
(F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal).
Remember... "You are fearfully & wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14)
SO AM I... tgbtg
Know ye this...
"You should know that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts..." (2 Cor 3:3)
SO AM I is a social networking blog that edifies and celebrates your contributions and your LOVE for you and our society. We acknowledge your self worth and your sacrifices! We support your "Greatness" and uniqueness, affirming your purpose each day by giving thanks to all mighty God, and re-affirming in your inner-man that "You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made..." Psalms 139:14; you are a miracle, now go and change the world; world changer..." SO AM I tgbtg