Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Salute to two of the Local Hip Hop Voices in South Jersey

SO AM I supports the Ed-ucation and the power of "Hip Hop"... to make positive changes in world... Don't let the "VOICE" die. It is a if not the life line to our young people!!!!!!!! I salute the young Powerful VOICEs of today!!!! And those who write and acknowledge the true "ART" of it. Remain strong and tell the "Good News..."! Ministry at its finest... (tgbtg)

SO AM I celebrates and acknowledges these two "World Changers" of the 21st century. WE at SO AM I ...say "Thank You" for taking a stand in this dying world. Together "WE CAN CHANGE the "WORLD..."!

Who IS ...

Thanks again for Bday wishes. Best present: share and view! Thanks yaw.
‎20/20 Vision Media Productions had the opportunity to the spend the day with Mike Forest AKA Rhymescenic, of Chosen Vessel Records. He shows that he is not o...
Who is Ricky Blue?

Catch TheFire This is the live link
CTF-TV @ USTREAM: CTF-TV is a live broadcast that takes Live internet to another...See More


CTF-TV said...

Amen, and thanks to SO AM I for highlighting King Richard as a World Changer.

SO AM I said...

Thank you CTF-TV continued prosperity to your ministry and commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ!


Love SO AM I