Tuesday, August 23, 2011

H A I R me when I tell you....!

SO AM I supports Hair Rules! The best book I ever read on the true definition/understanding of hair along with how and what to do to take care of it yourself! I feel more confident and in control of my hair, and find myself wanting to share the information with friends. I have to buy this book as a gift, couldn't ask for a better gift! Every woman permed, or natural, black or white, Italian or Jewish can gain insight from this book; what I call a "masterpiece". Never met you A. Dicky, but SO AM I celebrates your greatness and much continued success to you and yours. Thank you for making an impact in the world where we really didn't think it was possible...making a difference and finally putting an end to the all the MYTHS about who has "good" hair! Really, any hair on your HEAD is "GOOD..." Thank you for being a "world changer" in the hair industry, hope your colleagues appreciate your knowledge. A good read for men who don't understand or have a problem with accepting natural, kinky, or accepting the diverse hair of women of color. I say well done.

A. Dickey
Hair Rules!: The Ultimate Haircare Guide For Women With Kinky, Curly or Wavy Hair Kinky, curly or wavy hair isn't "problem" hair - it's just hair with a different set of rules!  Find out what the rules are for your texture with this easy to read guide.

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